A new original phone with a 3D and original and funny unicorn rigid case + 35 poses!! Mostly of them Selfpictures poses from you or from your body, but others of them are taking pictures to/with people around you. Try and enjoy ALL THE POSES!
MALE ONLY, and General Audience version.
Thirty Five (35) poses.
Do you like the abandoned line of product? the bizarre's things? Are you looking for the creepy, darkest and rusted products of IMVU? Do you loves zombies and undefined monsters? Check the catalog from my friend oBizarreo clicking just right here:
derivable dev developer nice mesh style decor grass indoor outdoor pub disco bar street culture dark rose wine glass married girlfriend boyfriend valentines lit on power green japan chinese poses derivable dev creator mesh animated love wedding married fruit creator mesh malla watermelon melon orange party beach cinderella animated poses red heel hand accesory pic pirtue photo selfie mobile celular telefono foto selfi mirror Photography sexy