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Easy to texture, and full of options to fully add detail to this Spirit House!

Has one standing node at the rear, and one furniture node sits in the center of the building in case you want to add something...reduce it's offer the Spirits! ;)

*Notes: M-17 only uses the right half of the texture. M-16 can be brought up if you want to add a ground to your base. There are 3 base options: 1) Pole base, 2) Square base, or 3) no base. Opac out the base(s) you do not want to use. If using no base, you can set this on a table or something.

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What is a Spirit House?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the spirit house used by the Dakelh (Carrier) people of British Columbia, see Spirit house (Dakelh).
A spirit house or san phra phum in Thai (Thai ศาลพระภูมิ) is a shrine to animist spirits found in the Southeast Asian countries of Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand. Most houses and businesses have a spirit house placed in an auspicious spot, most often in a corner of the property. The location is often chosen after consultation with a Brahmin priest. The spirit house is normally in the form of a miniature temple and is mounted on a pillar or on a dais.
The house is intended to provide a shelter for spirits which could cause problems for the people if not appeased. Offerings are left at the house to propitiate the spirits.
Spirit Houses are also not uncommon in Western civilisation, although surviving examples are far more plain than their Eastern counterparts. They were made by witches to keep any malovent spirits busy. Therefore the outer had to be something simple, that could be easily sealed, mainly glass bottles or simple clay houses. They were then filled with various items to keep the spirit occupied - the more interesting the better.
There are several excellent examples on public display within the Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle.

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