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By Silexe

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A Top Stone Gray Mountain above the red animated clouds

lye The Iron King Castle. Enormous doors lead you into a court yard full of

romantic poses. dances, animated pool, swing and piano.

Walk into the great room and find the most gorgeous wood floor

shined to a brilliance of glass.

Many Many Poses and Animation Included

This Castle was built by King Silexe to share with his bride to be Queen.

Enjoy adventure, dance and romance M'lords and Ladies.

Yet be safe as Your Castle is above the rest.

Continue the Magical & Splendor

A place of Royalty & Excellence in Fine Club Exhibition

Complementary Additions in Elegance

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8
Other Fine Haute Establishments.

1 2 3 4

Excellent Stereo Tuners for your club or Home

Providing Free Streaming Music

You've Been Kissed ...

By a Haute Company

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