Description: Golden Special Forces Colt 1911.
Elite Golden Special Forces Colt 1911, Drawable from under the arm holster.
Only given to those who have proven their worth in the Armed Forces but available to you now!
Commands are:
- DRAWC - Draw the gun from the holster -
- DRAWS - Draw the Silencer and attach it to the gun (This is unreversable until you move places) -
- AIMC - Aim the gun forward -
(Use the following commands with NO silencer) -
- SF - Shoot the gun forwards -
- SR - Shoot the gun to the right -
- SL - Shoot the gun to the left -
- SB - Shoot the gun backwards -
- SF5 - Shoot the gun forwards 5 times -
(Use the following commands WITH the silencer) -
- SSF - Shoot the gun forwards -
- SSR - Shoot the gun to the right -
- SSL - Shoot the gun to the left -
- SSB - Shoot the gun backwards -

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