The Minion is a little demon summoned to do your bidding. Of course a devil of such limited size and mental capacity isn't useful for too much. But should you ever need somebody to shovel road kill, clean used septic tanks, or defuse old land mines, he'll do in a pitch!

He responds to the commands, "Yes", "No", "Hi", "Bye", "Fart", "FartRight", "FartLeft", "Hm", "LOL", and "Pick". He also has a very long series of idle animations that play randomly, so he's always doing something.

The devilish Minion is waist high and works with both Male and Female avies. He's also fully derivable, should you want to change his skin color, eye color... or just make him put on a pair of pants! The Minion's templates are in the My Gallery section of MaxSMoke777's IMVU website.

This version of the minion is a scaley black with texture animate fire eyes and mouth.

Hope you all enjoy
