Yeah! xD Personal use but buy if you wish. It has 29 triggers. This is Egoraptors sounds from the well known creator of the Awesome series on newgrounds. Copyright goes to Egoraptor in, you are buying my time on the sounds not the sounds themselves. Try before you BUY!
Ach - "These kind of things are made to elongate the game and are made to make you feel like you're achieving more than you're actually achieving" *fast*
Aka - "A.K.A it sucks!"
Aw - "Aw man another one!"
Idf - "But I don't give a Fack!"
Fhard - "Fack it's hard, fack this shite it's hard asagsa what'd I do!?"
Gme - "Give me something interesting to explore and look at!"
Gds - "Gawd damn it!...Anyway sorry"
Hh - "Hit your head on top of... asgaha what da fack"
Uha - "Uaghh~ *groan*"
Grr - "Grrr *annoyed*"
Yeah! - "Yay uh!"
Ihope - "I hope you see where I'm comming from so I don't have to waste my Facking time explaining it!"
Fmat - "It feels like a facking mat"
Fg - "and that felt good... it felt felt GOOD... IT FELT GOOD IM'A HSGHASQ!"
Iwas - "I was just like huma dumba duh..wait..what is happening!?
Ck - "No chicken. Just churches"
Zz - "Makes me wana.. fall asleep *sighs*... WOAH LOOK AT THAT ORANCE!"
Ok - "Ok this is kind of a personal point."
Ydie - "Or you could just die :D"
Bp - "Or you could just be a freaking pig and eat it all *slurp sound*"
Rs - "A-a Are you being serious?"
Snore - "Snooooreeeee"
Wtf - "What da fack are you talking about..?"
Wat - "What...huh? What? Agiga W-w-what?
Wdg - "Where do I freaking gooo!?" *stressed*
Woops - "Woops! Did I just say that out loud"
Yrs - "Yes. I'm serious -_-"
Yes - "Yesssss"