!!FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY!! I have intentionally left the pictures and name plates blank to keep download weight lighter in derived items. So buy only if you really like to stare at pretty white pictures. :) One large 3:2 aspect ratio portrait with a 1:2 aspect ratio portrait on each side with lighting and name plates, all with beveled framework. This is perfect for museum artwork, special memories, and for those who like their walls to have more than just posters.

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Developers Notes: You are free to derive this product for whatever you like as far as it doesn't violate IMVU's TOS. You are free to mark your product as derivable *IF* you make your own custom frame texture or significant opacity work. Otherwise, I humbly request that you not mark your product as derivable. The main picture is 512x256 or 256x128, and the side pictures are 128x128 or 256x256. I usually work with pics in the correct aspect ratio (3:2 or 1:2) and then resize to a size that makes IMVU happy.

Thanks for your interest in my product. If you like the product, or have any questions, thoughts, or concerns, please feel free to contact me. You're also welcome to come visit LadyVanir and I in one of our public rooms. If you purchase, I'd greatly appreciate it if you left a review.

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Please check out my lovely wife, Lady Vanir. Designs To Enthrall is the understatement of the century. She does rule!

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