45 Chat Sounds from WarCraft 2! Both Human and Horde sounds included! Put this ring on and enter a trigger word to use.
Works on male and female avatars but best suited for a male.

Triggers are as follows:

zug - ogre zug zug
ahoy - ahoy
ayw - as you wish
aos - at once sire
aas - aye aye sir
aye - aye captain
lad - aye laddie
wba - we're being attacked
blood - bloodlust sound
burp - burp scuze me
cbfy - I'm coming back for you
dyh - defending your honor
dam - don't anger me
ddo - I would not do such things if I were you
dpi - don't push it
dwdt - I don't wanna do this
er - er er er
err - long errrrrrr
fart - ogre fart
garg - gargle sound
gi - I'm growing impatient
hello - hello
hia - here Iam
bup - I like blowing up things
ia - I'm alive
iyn - in your name
iwlt - I would love too
lma - leave me alone
lout - look out
miq - make it quick
mme - missed me
mout - move out
mlf - say hello to my little friend
inl - I'm not listening
ok - ogre ok
irbs - I'd rather be sailing
rts - ready to serve
ryt - don't force me to run you through
sink - ship sinking sound
srtb - stop rocking the boat
tt - that tickles
mtff - my tummy feels funny
wem - we move
ym - yes master
yml - yes my lord
ydb - you da

Custom voice boxes available using your own voice! Send me a message if you're interested in learning more!