Toxic Dragon Flames
This is a blast that you command by putting it on your avatar like an accessory and typing words to control it. The Toxic dragon is green and shows well in dark or colored environments. It also has two sizes, large and huge.
Tips :: You can control the direction in which the blast is aimed by moving your avatar around. When in battle remember to ignite the blast by typing its commands first, then do an action (flip, etc). When ever you want someones attention just shake their hands, or some other action on their avatar, and type a command from this dragon.

commands ::
de :: blasts those to the east or right of your avatar
dw :: blasts those to the west or left of your avatar
de!! :: blasts everything on the east or right of your avatar
dw!! :: blasts everything on the west or left of your avatar

check out these dragons ::

Dragons in action !!

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