69 Women's Wear


- 69 Black Gold Chic Sexy -



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Robot Bodyguard


Dance Floor

(Locked Room)


This black dress / coat with golden trimmings and lace inner wear

 is part of the 69 Chic Sexy Ladies Collection.

Check out other colors available;

69 Chic Sexy - Black69 Chic Sexy - White69 Chic Sexy - Red69 Chic Sexy - Golden

69 Chic Sexy-Black White69 Chic Sexy -Black Red69 Chic Sexy -Black Gold

69 Chic Sexy-White Black69 Chic Sexy -White Gold69 Chic Sexy -White Red







Important Notes:

Please TRY IT first (if you have the TRY IT pass), and if you like it, do buy or place it on your wishlist. If this item is gender specific (eg. for males or females only), I will not be able to refund or do exchanges if you buy it by mistake.

I appreciate and want to thank all positive reviews. Please leave me a message on my homepage instead if you have questions, problems or anything. This is because I'm not informed of reviews unless I check the items individually every time (which is quite difficult to do).

You might be interested in checking out other items in my catalog as shown below.

More variety or colours can be found by following the links in each category.


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Tuxedo Collection

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Formal Vest Collection

69 Formal Chic Collection

Formal Chic Collection

69 Casual Chic Collection

Casual Chic Collection

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69 Vest, Shirt & Cravat

69 Vest & Shirt

69 Vest & Shirt

69 Shirts

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69 Muscle Tees

69 Muscled Tank Tops

69 Chic Pants

69 Formal Shoes

69 Formal Dress Shoes

69 Fantasy Armor

69 Fantasy Armor

Male & Female

69 Powers & Blasts 69 Firearms - CHOOSE FOR MALE OR FEMALE BELOW 69 Shades

69 Power Blasts

Female | Male

69 Firearms

Female | Male

69 Shades

Female | Male


69 Chic Sexy Collection 69 Seduction 69 Chic Boots

69 Chic Sexy Collection

69 Seduction

69 Chic Ankle Boots