This P4F Item is a lovely modern patterned rug for your floors. The Sandstorm Area Rug is dyed in vibrant hues of Sienna, Burnt Ochre, Golden Bronze, Tawny Yellow, and Cocoa Brown to add some complimentary accent to Your room decor. Like all furniture items it is scalable, so that You can adjust its size to better fit into Your room space. There are no poses attached to this area rug, so You don't have to worry about the size of Your avatar being "off" when they stand on it. The design is modern and slightly abstract, so You can even hang it on Your wall if you choose. Thank You for looking at My Catalog. I am sure You will find many things to please you. Enjoy !. ~smiles~ mesha

P4F Sandstorm Area Rug AD1
P4f ADPAGE part2