Oh, those dog days of summer! Sweaty, humid days when the thermometer tells hateful lies and all modesty goes out the window. Whether it's a summer festival or washing the dust off your car in the driveway but it's so dang hot that your sandals stick to the asphalt and even a tanktop is just too much clothing. What do you do? You grab one of your hubby's oversized do-rags, head to the nearest WC and make an impromptu halter top.
This is a medium sized halter which ties in the back. It is 100% MCG compliant (while still being wildly provocative) and 100% impossible to look up (I tried from several angles). Great for any summer or tropical scene where sweat is expected to flow. It features photorealistic detailing not seen in cheaper tops of the same type and undercuts many competitors of comparable quality.

May not be compatible with all tattoos and accessories which attach to the same node. Always be safe and try it before you buy it!