Yes, that's right...
you can order your very own custom
coffin pendant with me for 1000 credits. Here's the deal: I won't change anything except for the picture. Your pic will be placed in this black glass coffin pendant and it comes with a dark silver chain necklace. You can send me a pic that you would like in the pendant. An important rule to remember is that the pic must be YOURS, not a copyrighted image but one that you took yourself in IMVU or photoshopped using your avi or the avi of the person you'd like to have in the pendant. If the pic is of someone else, have them contact me granting permission to use their image for the pendant. Necklace will be hidden after being gifted.
Male and Female compatible.
May not be compatible with all tops
so try the necklace on this page
first to be sure.
Link me your pic in png
format 300x400 and I can
make it for ya! ;)

If you like it, review it
