About the Leg Control Triggers

I created this collection of actions to be able to better control leg position, much the same way the "Eye Control Triggers" control the direction you're looking. This product allows the wearer very precise control of his/her legs. This type of product is often used for making static poses for photographs, DOC pictures, avatar pics, product pictures, as well as by developers for product testing.
This product has a whopping 2368 triggers that you will have to memorize. Haha, only kidding. It's actually very easy to use once you see the system I used for trigger names.

Using the Leg Control Triggers

The triggers all have a prefix, a dash, and then a value. The prefix tells which body part you want to move, and the value tells how much you want to move it.


  • lft - Left Foot
  • lcf - Left Calf
  • lth - Left Thigh
  • rft - Right Foot
  • rcf - Right Calf
  • rth - Right Thigh
Pretty easy so far, right? Now let's see how we get the values...

Foot Position

The foot position triggers move your foot up and down. They start with the prefix (lft or rft), then the dash, then a digit from 0 to 9. Position 0 sticks almost straight out, like a ballet pointe, while Position 9 is less than a 90 degree angle from the shin. Here is a graphic that displays foot position:

Calf Position

Calf position is similar to foot position, it tells how much each knee is bent. They start the prefix (lcf or rcf), then the dash, then a two-digit number between 00 and 29. Position 00 is straight leg, while Position 29 is almost kicking your own butt! Here is a graphic showing calf position. I haven't put every position in the graphic, since there are 30 of them, but you'll get the idea.

Thigh Position

Thigh position is more difficult to master than calf or foot positions, because there are 3 different directions the thigh can move. Those three positions are:
  • Lift - moving your knee straight up and down, as if you're marching
  • Splay - moving your leg from side to side
  • Twist - twisting your thigh so your toes point in, forward or out.
So I used this system to make it easier to find exactly how to position the thigh. The triggers are as follows:
lth-LST or rth-LST
Now L, S and T are numbers, corresponding to the amount of lift, splay and twist you want. Each one is a single hex digit (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f). If you've ever used RGB notation to describe a color, you'll see a similarity here. Let's look at each of these directions one at a time.

Thigh Lift

The digit for lift is from 0 to c (so there are 13 positions). Position 0 is a straight leg, while Position C is about 45 degrees, as if you were touching your toes. Here is a graphic to show how the lift digit acts on the triggers:

Thigh Splay

The digit for splay is from 0 to 7 (therefore 8 positions). Position 0 is a little crossed leg (like when you're trying not to pee, lol) while Position 7 has the thigh out at about a 45 degree angle or so. Position 2 or 3 is about where you want to start out in a standing position. Sorry, you won't be able to do full splits with this product. This graphic should give you an idea of the range of splay available in this product.

Thigh Twist

The digit for twist is from 0 to A (yielding 11 positions). Position 0 is kind of pigeon-toed while Position A is twisted out at almost a right angle. Position 3 is the normal position for standing. Twist is a bit more difficult to control, because when you twist your thigh, the rest of your leg will twist with it. So sometimes you'll see only a minor displacement when you do a thigh twist:
And other times, you can swing your whole leg with a twist, like this example:
It just takes a little patience, practice and experimentation to get the perfect leg position. I hope you enjoy this product!