We alone keep alive the great and noble traditions of our ancestors of Nagarythe. Only we follow the path down. Only we follow the true way

This outfit depicts the armour of a Dark Elven Assassin striking from the shadows with the speed, grace and skill of their high elven kin combined with a ferocious temperament. Tasked with assassination and scouting missions these warriors usually act alone or in small groups and range ahead of the main Dark Elven armies.

The Dark Elves sailed across the Great Western Ocean and founded for themselves a new kingdom in the northern reaches of the World. This land they named in their tongue to mean 'land of chill'.

Unlike the High Elves, who continually seek to suppress their passions lest they be overcome by them, the Dark Elves willingly embrace their hedonistic nature. Dark Elf society emphasizes individualism, selfishness, and pride. They have little regard for one another and even less for the other races of the world, whom they see as potential slaves and subjects.

In battle, these ruthless warriors blend Elven discipline with savagery and ferocity, for the patron deity of the Dark Elves is, the bloody-handed God and the Lord of Murder.

This item is the cloak (hood seperate) you can find the rest of the items of the set in my catalogue. As always try all items for compatibiity in advance as I cannot rectify mistakes.