69 Powers & Magic


- 69 Power: Dragon Fire -


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Master the power of the ancient martial arts. Harness your chi (ki) and summon the power of dragon fire.

This gives your avatar one of the ultimate skills in Chinese kung fu, Dragon Fire Palm. Watch as your avatar goes into a pose, calling the power of a fire dragon in his palms, and then release it in a wave of fire towards his opponent, with a deafening sound of roaring dragon fire.

- ar : attacks to the right

- al : attacks to the left.

To boost the power you need, add exclamations and watch your opponent and everything else get engulfed in your fiery power!

Try "ar!" and "al!", and feel the power!

Wipe the smiles off any other amateur fighters! *LOL* :P

With awesome sound effects for the power blasts.


This is only for males, get the female version here.
These power blasts will remove gloves / gauntlets on the right hand.

Need more power? Check out the following!

Master the power

of dragon fire

with the

Dragon Fire Palm.

Master the power

of lightning

with the

Thunderstrike Palm.

Summon upon

the bloody dark

Chaos magic.

Summon the

dark forces of

Chaos Shadows.

Summon the poisonous fumes of Chaos Toxic.

Besides being aggressive, you might need defensive powers & magic as well;

69 Power - Shadow Shield 69 Power - Chaos Shield 69 Power - Fire Shield 69 Power-Electric Shield

Chaos Shadow




Dragon Fire




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Important Notes:

Please TRY IT first (if you have the TRY IT pass), and if you like it, do buy or place it on your wishlist. If this item is gender specific (eg. for males or females only), I will not be able to refund or do exchanges if you buy it by mistake.

I appreciate and want to thank all positive reviews. Please leave me a message on my homepage instead if you have questions, problems or anything. This is because I'm not informed of reviews unless I check the items individually every time (which is quite difficult to do).

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