Male voice chatsounds to make your chatting come more alive.

Please try before you buy!

These sounds also work for females.

This is an alternate version of my male chat sounds. It has the same sounds, but uses a different body part number because the other sounds were conflicting with some labret piercings. It is not impossible that this version may conflict with other accessories though none are known at the moment.

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The following chat sounds can be used:

ahhh - awcrap - aww - awww - back - bad - brb - burp - bye - cheer - chicken - clap - cookies - cool - coyote - cry - donttouch - evil - fart - good - goodnight - gross - grr - hahaha - hello - hellobaby - heybud - hi - hmm - huh - ilu - kiss - kisss - lol - loser - mmm - nite - no - no2 - noob - noway - ohno - ok - omg - ooh - ooo - oops - ouch - - plz - poof - quiet - really - really? - scream - shhh - shutup - sigh - smile - sneeze - sup - tarzan - tung - tung2 - ty - typo - wakeup - webad - welcome - whatever - whip - whistle - whoa - wink - woo - woohoo - wow - yawn - yay - yayy - yeah - yeehaa - yes - yo - yummy - zzz - :) - ;) - :p


2009-06-18 added hi, ooo, ouch, yayy, yeah

2010-01-25 added no2, poof, shhh, typo, webad and alternate triggers aww, nite, really.

2010-01-29 forgot oops, readded it.

Note: if you bought the sounds before this update you will have to clear your imvu cache first before you can hear the new sounds.

If you have any problems with this product please let me know in a private message and I'll try to fix it asap. But beware: if you have set messages to buddies only I will not be able to answer you!

What to do when you don't hear the sounds:

If after checking you have put on the chat sounds and that your computer sound is turned on you still cannot hear these chat sounds, then it probably means imvu's cache has gotten confused and needs to be cleared.

To clear imvu's cache first close all chat windows/tabs. Then go to the imvu settings tab and at the bottom click Clear IMVU cache. Next restart imvu.


All sounds are shorter than 20 seconds so there will be no problems with the imvu max 20 seconds rule. Even so imvu requires to add the following disclaimer: This product contains audio that is not part of IMVU's Music Mix Service and thus may be limited to a maximum of 20 secs of audio only.

Review and requests:

Please consider leaving a review if you like this product. Leaving a review helps me to become better.

Do you want other chat sounds or want to use another voice for (some of) the words? Contact me and we can work something out :)

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