My Poser 1, includes 30 poses in one great product!!!! You don't have to pay a high price like other combination poses with this either! Total: 13 hand gestures, 11 arm positions and 6 head poses, and they all work in combination with each other! They ALSO work with other poses you may own; giving you even more "choice combinations!" This awesome product also WORKS FOR MALE and FEMALE AVATARS, ( you'll find it in female accessories). Now you can create your favorite pose!

Triggers: r1 to r8 for Right Hand poses, l1 to l5 for Left Hand poses, ra1 to ra5 for Right Arm positions,la1 to la6 for Left Arm positions, and he1 to he6 for head positions.

( My Poser 2, including triggered 12 wrist positions, 18 Spine positions, 6 Chest positions, 12 Thigh, 16 Calf and 16 Foot poses (That's a massive 80 positions), is my 2nd product, to this ultimate package, sold separately)!

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My Original Male Products:

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Thanks so much for purchasing from me, & please be sure to leave a review! Smiles & Hugs, Celticdollie~

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