The Time Vortex was something that was rarely seen until recent technologies were
created that allowed for direct travel through time, Technology passed to various
organizations to keep order in the time stream by the Techomages, though it has
been theorized that they obtained this technology from a much older race before
their sudden disappearance.

Working with this technology, it was observed that travel from one earth plane
to another (such as from that of the Terra Firma to the Never-Never) is show as
a green doppler effect. The advantage of traveling via this vortex from one realm
to another is that the radiation of this vortex has the effect of neutralizing temporal
displacement that often will occur by other means of transport from realm to realm.
Time will flow for the traveler at the same rate as their native plane and they will return to their
place of origin in in the amount of time they are away from it.


There are five poses in this room as well as nodes for the placement of various items within.

The Future Vortex is available HERE.

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