New ANIMATED Humvee, with 6 poses included (one on the driver, another one in the codriver and using the radio, one on the turret, and two more behind, on the rear seats, one just sitting and the other aiming with a rifle, that is NOT INCLUDED, and the last one over the bags with equipment, leaning back, aiming with a rifle too, that neither comes with the vehicle). At this point you will be thinking: "Ok, a good deal for this prize", but.... that's not all!! This new HUMVEE is fully Animated, check each one by separate!! Drift: (the vehicle goes forward, turning on a curving, and begins to fire) SlowMo: (the vehicle goes forward, firing in all directions) FireLeft: (fire at the left, nothing less) FireRight: (fire at the right) FireBoth: (fire in both directions! right & left) Wheels: (only moves the wheels, good for animated rooms and videos) Reset: (reset it all, used it before each animation to avoid bugs)
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