#message-stack div.messageStackReward{display:none;} #ticker-swf {display:none;} .jello-box .bd {background-color: transparent!important; background-image: none; background-repeat: no-repeat; border-top-style: hidden; border-right-style: hidden; border-bottom-style: hidden; border-left-style: hidden;} #leaderboard{display:none;} #product-buttons-sub { background-color: transparent!important; background-image: none!important; background-repeat: repeat!important; } #imvu-bc { background-color: transparent!important; } #product-developer-banner {background-color: transparent!important;}/*--------DONT EDIT BEFORE THIS LINE----*/ #product h1{color:#FFFFFF!important;}html{background-color:transparent!important;}/*----Blue header with thumbnail----*/#product-details{background-color: transparent !important;background-image: url(https://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h232/polystyrene77/Backgrounds/pageheader02.jpg) !important;}/*----text color----*/.bd{color: #FFFFFF;}/*----Links----*/a:link, a:visited{color: #FF0066;text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold;}a:hover{color: #66FF33;font-weight: bold;}/*----the box that says "creator tools"----*/#product-developer div{background-color: #000000!important;}/*----the box on bottom with the 2nd buy button----*/#product-buttons-sub{background-color: #000000!important;background-image: none!important;background-repeat: repeat!important;}/*----product price----*/#product-price font, #product-price-sub font{color: #FFFFFF;} /*----tabheader backgrounds----*/#product .hd, #keywords .hd, #also .hd, #reviews .hd {background-color: #000000!important;}/*----buy now button background color*/#product-buttons #buy_now, #product-buttons-sub #buy_now_sub, #add_to_cart, #add_to_cart_sub{background-color: #CC00FF!important;}/*buy now button font color*/.btn-submit {color: #000000!important;}/*----Background----*/body{ background-color: transparent;background-image: url(https://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h232/polystyrene77/Backgrounds/black2x2.jpg);background-repeat: repeat;background-attachment: scroll;background-x-position: 0%;background-y-position: 0%;}
Template1 - fem
Square Anyshape Bag!

The Anyshape Bag - a medium sized handbag that hangs on your right shoulder. This bag has two flat square opacity mapped panels on either side so that you can create your handbag in all sorts of shapes, add trim around the edge, even have chains or decorations hanging off it. This version of the Anyshape Bag has a larger area around the edge.
Includes a pose! Type bagpose to trigger.
Please note that this bag may clip in some poses.
This product is derivable! See instructions below.


All products in the above images can be found in my Catalogue.

Instructions for deriving:
Use the templates linked to below:
Bag sides/center
Bag handles
Bag front
Bag back

The back and front are mapped seperately so you can make them different shapes if you wish. All materials are opacity enabled.

Please do not set your derivation to derivable.
Be creative and have fun!

Click to see more of Polystyrene's products!