MVU is more than a game. On IMVU, we make friends, family, even enemies. We love our families, and we really do care about each other. Some don't understand, real people, I say REAL peoples' feelings are at stake on IMVU. At night before I go to sleep, I'm thinking about whats happening on here. When I wake up, a smile crosses over my face about someone I care about on here. IMVU never leaves my mind. Many tears have been spilt, many hearts broken on IMVU, but who's to say the friends and family we have made are not worth it? You love people on here, and care about them. For some, people on IMVU understand them more than any person in real life ever could. This isn't a video game. There is no "Replay" button. You say an unkind word, and it will be remembered. "Game Over." doesn't exist either. Because even if you disable your account, I guarantee at least ONE person will never forget you. We role play, with Kingdoms and Covens, living out our fantasies. Many come on IMVU because in real life, they have no one to turn to. Or maybe because they feel unwanted. For some, having an IMVU account is like having two lives. Its a way to relax, let yourself go, and live the life you want to live. I'm tired of seeing the ones I care about hurt, and feeling hurt myself. Aren't you? if you know that IMVU isn't just a game, if you know the people on here are real, and do have feelings, and if you love at least one person on here that you couldn't live without.♥