This is a Triskle Red and Black club. The walls are a nice red with a beautiful Triskle design. The floor is deep red wood. And the center of the club has a nice black floor with beautiful Triskles design. Also a poster on the walls that say "Monday- Karaoke, Tuesday- Live Band, Wednesday- Pool Tournments, Thursday- Bikini Contest, Friday- Ladies Night, Saturday- Gentlemens Night, Sunday- Amateurs Night."

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I'm a very new developer.I am still learning though and will be adding more things to my catalog as I learn. If you would like to add my banner I would be honored.

If you wish to add my banner link to your home page Please Left click draging your mouse over the all of the script below to make it highlighted holding your left mouse click down then Ctrl C (or right click copy over the area while it is highlighted) and Ctrl V (or paste) the script below to your home page, Into one of your Edit html Panels.
<a href="" target="new"> <img src=""></a>

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