AP VERSION--> ^ . ^

The Draconian Sector an Odyssey


By Commander Silexe

This Galactic Bundle is equipped with:

Animated and Luminescent Room “The Draconian Sector.

Fully Equipped Command Vessel “USS ENDEAVOR."

Star Cruiser with Three Flight Patterns “USS INTERCEPTOR.”

Three Science and Research Computers

Huge Research Facility

With Separate Crew’s Lounge

15 Items Total! All of these can be duplicated and recreated,

as you desire.

Featuring Animated stars, ships, Juice Bar, Club table, Dragon ride and

super hero flight & Dances. Mucho poses and plenty of nodes.

Transmission to Captain Surion form Commander Silexe

Welcome Captain, you have a new assignment! Our scientists have discovered an alien portal in space near the Alpha Nevara Galaxy Cluster. Your mission, code named “Draco Nemesis” will be to research and study this Odyssey including; its origin, portal radiation emissions and transport operation. Warning! There is in it’s midst is an orbiting translucent object that has the appearance of a flying dragon. DO NOT approach until further study. We have not established its function but does appear territorial. We have prepared a substation on an orbiting asteroid for this mission with fully operational equipment for your every need. Your team will be transported by the vessel, USS Interceptor. Already docked is The USS Endeavor which will serve all your needs of interplanetary travel and exploration and remain docked there until further notice. Please be advised radiation levels are high in this area and we have not yet discovered the intent or motives of the creators of the portal at this time. Proceed with CAUTION! Godspeed…

Complete set of Mission Tools. Select Your Sci Fi Stuff Today

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You've Been Kissed ...

By A Haute Company

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