Product Description:
Stars and Stripes Collection
Bikini with Sarong

This patriotic two piece bikini with opaque sarong is perfect for the July 4th beach parties, pool parties and casual events.  
Be proud to show off your red, white and blue!

You're not only getting a great bathing suit and sarong, but you also get:

Enhanced: * Waistline - NO seam! * Shoulders - significantly more smooth, round and natural in appearance * Breasts - more round, smooth, and lifted * Buttocks - significantly smooth, round and slightly lifted * Armpits - more natural, less clipping * Torso - more smooth and curvy.

Thank you Whimsey for a great mesh!

Stars and Stripes Bikini w/Sarong   

Check out the entire Stars and Stripes Collection in my Catalog

Sandals, Bikini, Bikini with Sarong, One Piece Bathing Suit and
Two Piece Short Set



Not your color?  Contact me about a custom derive.

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