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My girlfriend does not want me to be friends with one of my female friends she feels that it is disrespectful for me to remain friends with a woman I once slept with, but I think she is tripping. Me and my girl been serious for about 2 months, but we have been kicking it or the past 6 months. Prior to her I used to have intercourse with this other girl on a sort-of-regular-basis. She was my friend with benefits. We would get together, chill, go out, get drunk, and then get it in. Now once I started dealing with my current girl, all of that stopped. But I did not see any reason to not be friend with this girl all of a sudden. She is super cool and I enjoy her company. But my girl is intimidated by her. Thinking that the girl wants to be with me, I keep telling my girl that if I wanted to be to be with the other girl, then I would have been with her, but I chose you. I pursed you and wanted to be in a relationship with you. With the other girl, yes we had intercourse, but I value her friendship more and want to keep it. So now I feel like I have to SNEAK around to remain friends with my friend who was there before her. It is crazy because nothing is going on. What can I do to get my girl to trust the situation? I am not cutting my friend off!!!

ANSWER: WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!!!! Yet these are the types of FOOLS who have good faithful women by their side. If his girl is SMART she will leave his dumb_____ right now and save herself the trouble of him CHEATING on her. What you have to SNEAK around for. That alone tell you it wrong. That alone tells you that what you are doing is CHILD LIKE BEHAVIOUR. You will not cut off some trick that has no respect for your relationship to make your woman happy. Just go be with the other girl and stop wasting the one who loves you time, it is dudes like you out here giving all these GOOD women trust issues and messing their minds up because you cannot/will not do the SIMPLEST shhhh right. Grow the F____ up , or stop trying to F____ with GROWN WOMEN with STANDARDS, MORALS, and VALUES because all you do is strip them of those things while they TRY to LOVE your Dumb_____