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Saw - Jigsaw Voice Box
32 Triggers!


Hi this is a most definite voice box to have for anyone who loves the famous thriller/horror movie SAW ( it even has the theme song which is 19sec long ). Try before you buy, but i know you will love it :)

Things To Remember

This works for both male and female.

It be located in the inventory avatar section

Make sure you got show all tabs selected in the inventory and refreshed otherwise it wont show up.

Make sure ; is put infront of each trigger otherwise the trigger won't work


;hello ;hello1 ;2late ;begin ;begun ;choice ;cigarharmless ;cntfeelathing ;congrat ;dontcry ;dontworry ;now greetings ;icallyou ;introduced ;iwanna ;jigsaw ;laugh ;listen ;liveordie ;liveordie1
;ohyes ;ownbody ;party ;play ;rat ;snitch ;survival ;unworthy ;watchingothers ;yourlife, ;theme

Watch this space for more voice boxes. Enjoy and take care. Peace babeysham...