Stylish Place

This place has 4 rooms and it even has water cascading down the stairs

stylishplacepic1.jpg picture by mammysss

2 round rooms lots of furniture nodes

stylishplacepic4.jpg picture by mammysss

There is a animated wresting in the pool along with sitting

and even a lift up pose

stylishplacepic10.jpg picture by mammysss

Tip: Give a hug or kiss to synchonise the pose

stylishplacepic11.jpg picture by mammysss                                                             stylishplacepic12.jpg picture by mammysss

Animated water from falling from the stairs

stylishplacepic2.jpg picture by mammysss

stylishplacepic6.jpg picture by mammysss   stylishplacepic7.jpg picture by mammysss   stylishplacepic8.jpg picture by mammysss   stylishplacepic9.jpg picture by mammysss

stylishplacepic3.jpg picture by mammysss

stylishplacepic13.jpg picture by mammysss         stylishplacepic15.jpg picture by mammysss          stylishplacepic14.jpg picture by mammysss

 Furniture is not included

stylishplacepic19.jpg picture by mammysss

stylishplacepic21.jpg picture by mammysss

stylishplacepic16.jpg picture by mammysss

stylishplacepic22.jpg picture by mammysss

stylishplacepic23.jpg picture by mammysss

stylishplacepic18.jpg picture by mammysss

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stylishplacepic20.jpg picture by mammysss

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