Copy and Past the following line of text code into the chat room and press enter. Its recommended that you let the room know before you do this. and never while another Dj is spinning. You can also whisper this to a friend in the room and the sounds will only be heard by you and the person you whispered to.

*imvu: /e1 /e2 /e3 /e4 /e5 /e6 /e7 /e8 /e9 /e10 /e11 /e12 /e13 /e14 /e15 /e16 /e17 /e18 /e19 /e20 /e21 /e22 /e23 /e24 /e25 /e26 /e27 /e28 /e29 /e30 /e31 /e32 /e33 /e34 /e35 /e36 /e37 /e38 /e39 /e40 /e41 /e42 /e43 /e44 /e45 /e36 /e47 /e47 /e48 /e49 /e50

After purchasing the 4 part set use the following code to load all 4 parts at once.
Copy/Past the following line of text into the chat and press enter.
All 4 parts of the set will automatically load onto ur avatar ready for use.

*use 34734430 /*use 34734399 /*use 34734343 /*use 34734280

To Automatically remove the 4 part set from your avatar copy and past the following line of text into the chat and press enter.

*remove 34734430 /*remove 34734399 /*remove 34734343 /*remove 34734280

This version has been remixed with an added intro/outro and embedded with Energized SFX and bass sweeps.