General audience. Blinking toxic Hair! A must see! I did not design the original, only added my own flair to it! Enjoy!

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I.W. DEVELOPER AGREEMENT v1.0 You are only licensed to derive from this product if you agree to adhere to the following rules: 1. If you wish to derive from this mesh, please derive directly from it. Do not derive from products that were derived from this product. Like other developers out there, we do not believe in pyramid schemes or middle-men. 2. You are not allowed to set your derived products as derivable. If you have set your item derivable, and cannot change it back to non-derivable, you may be asked to remove it from the catalog. It is not fair nor honest towards other developers if they pay more because they do not realise that the original derivable is cheaper. Saying they're stupid is not an excuse! Everyone has been a beginner at some point.