This is absolutely gorgeous. Its a Gigantic Garnet you hold in your hand. I made it for my Friend AmithystSky for a character she is playing in Our RP group. This is perfect for lots of Role playing themes.. Tomb raiders, Treasure seekers, Mermaids, Elfs and Fae alike! Let your imaginations come alive! If this goes well i'll make other stones in this mesh :D Have fun and please leave a review at the bottom of this page. If you have a request.. Just message me, i DO take requests. Thanks so much for shopping with me. ~Shay


If you wish to add my banner link to your home page Please Left click draging your mouse over the all of the script below to make it highlighted holding your left mouse click down then Ctrl C (or right click copy over the area while it is highlighted) and Ctrl V (or paste) the script below to your home page, Into one of your Edit html Panels. Thank You and best wishes to you from Shayseraph.

<a href="" target="new"> <img src=""></a>


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