This is new and will only work for older versions of IMVU 403 or lower and will only play for 20 sec. if using the newer versions of IMVU contact me if you would like to hear the whole song I might be able to set you up....All rights belong to the respected artist. You are just buying my time it took to make the item you are not buying the song. If you cant find something, let me know and I will try and get it for you no matter what it is. Also, thanks in advance for your support. BE CAREFUL WHERE AND WHO YOU BUY FROM TO AVOID PROBLEMS IN THE FUTURE!!!! The Price might be higher but look who I am deriving from. It is IMVU, not someone who is scamming and could cause you to lose your music. Sorry about any inconvience earlier but now you are assured quality, trouble free, legit music. and triggers are fast so you know it has not been tampered with. Hope you enjoy. Dave....