London, 1889...
The third golden age of England, a world powered by steam and cogs.
Then the Clock Lords began to appear,
mysterious individuals that seemed to be in many places at once, and England was never the same again...

This outdated Public Call Box seems to follow them where they go...
Rumor has it that this box is larger on the inside then it is on the outside
and has something to do with Time and Relative Dimension in Space...

Top and pants by Toby66
Boots by stupidgyrl
Eyebrows by DeviousDream
Hair, necklace, ring, goggles, and glasses by TheAugur

For more clockwork, Clock Lord, and steampunk items in my catalog, please click HERE.

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or would like my badge, please leave a message on my homepage.

Thank you for your patronage and have a wonderful day.