NJB Superman's Wedding TV Banner

Based and Derived off the "[DC] Plasma tv interactv", this is the NJB Superman's Wedding TV Banner.

This is a transparent banner that will show certain text/information when the person activates the specific triggers to show that text/information in regards to: "Proposing to your special someone for marriage, Information for others to read on your wedding day, and much more."

This is helpful for anyone that is wanting to pop the big question to their special someone or they are wanting to have a special banner on their wedding day.

The Wedding TV Banner comes with transparent/see through background, and the text displays in its default colors.

There are 5 triggers for this product:

wed1 - displays a semi translucent background, which is default.
wed2 - displays text "Will you marry me?"
wed3 - displays text "Wedding Day - and informs people what to do"
wed4 - displays text "Just Married"
wed5 - displays text "We are Engaged!"

All these 5 triggers help give the couple an enjoyable experience in regards to their wedding plans.

*Please note: The wed1 trigger allows people to show the semi transparent background, which helps when wanting to figure out how to place the product. The product typically goes on a wall or any node that allows this type of item to be placed on to it. This product can be resized by the person, to be very small or very large.

Lastly, although, the image below shows the product to have a light blue background, this is not the case. So, please keep in mind, that this product may not look great on certain backgrounds. So, be aware of that, before buying as there are NO refunds.


All my work is dedicated to my family, friends, and to the Imvuians that use my products...