This is a shadow version of EternaSky's Nitouryu ~ Deluxe. The texturing is entirely black with no details.

The command list has remained unchanged from Nitouryu ~ Deluxe:
sheath - Idle animation in sheathed-ready stance
draw - Idle animation in unsheathed-drawn-ready stance
sab - Sheathed Attack Back - Attacks backward in sheathed stance
saf - Sheathed Attack Front - Attacks forward in sheathed stance
sar - Sheathed Attack Right - Attacks to the right in sheathed stance
sal - Sheathed Attack Left - Attacks to the left in sheathed stance
uab - Unsheathed Attack Back - Attacks backward in unsheathed stance
uaf - Unsheathed Attack Front - Attacks forward in unsheathed stance
uar - Unsheathed Attack Right - Attacks to the right in unsheathed stance
ual - Unsheathed Attack Left - Attacks to the left in unsheathed stance
whirlwind or ww - Rising Spin Attack
swordplay or sp - Sequence of manuerves

A note from EternaSky about these katanas (or rather, the ones they're made from):
"Please note that it looks better with skintight tops
Change your framerate in the client -> Settings>Target Frame Rate> 20/Medium Performance"

If you buy this feel free to leave a review after you've given it some use.

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