________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introducing the derivable version of the Bedrooms Bathroom for the Island Manor room. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This furniture is the derivable Bedroom Bathroom for the Island Manor room. This bathroom is created to fit in the bathroom that connects the 2 upstairs bedrooms that are side by side. This will populate both the sink area and the tub/toilet room areas. There are 41 textures required to develop this product - many of them can be textured using a solid color tile. Please keep your textures small to enable the client to run most efficiently. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DEVELOPERS!! PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VERSION OF MY PRODUCT DERIVABLE. I do not warn anyone before filing DCMA's on the products that are left derivable. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Photobucket' border='0' />" readonly onClick="javascript:this.focus();this.select();" STYLE="width: 1600px; ">