I love all the skin tones, but none of them seemed right. So I made my own. =D Sorry there aren't different shades, but this is the only color I was going for. ^_^;;

Also, be warned-- this is my first derivable. There will be mistakes. Like the neck. Ew.

EDIT: You may have noticed that this item was Adult-Pass Only for a while. Wanna know why? Because the catalog icon. Lame, right? Nothing adult about the skin tone. That wasn't even the issue. It was just a little tiny JPG. In addition, the icon didn't even show anything remotely adult-- the model was naked, but he was covering himself. With a pose that IMVU provides. I picked it because I wanted to show as much of the skin as possible in the icon. Apparently that little tiny bit of suggestiveness is scarring the youth of IMVU.

IMVU's a bunch of a prudes. Even the adult pass isn't really adult. And it's only gotten worse! What moms of 4-year-olds bought the place, anyway? This is ridiculous. God forbid they ever get a clue and look around the internet for a bit.

It doesn't help that some of the users are lacking in common sense. I have received numerous messages asking "how u get nude" and seriously guys, get a brain. It's just the catalog icon. You think if I made the skin, I can't get the character model nude? Here's the answer: I did it in the item editor. And no, there's nothing there anyway. And no, you can't get nude in the chat. For further clarification, it's a skin tone just like the other skin tones on IMVU. It just changes the skin you can already see, you don't see any more skin than usual.

BTW, I am perfectly comfortable with nudity. I think prudish attitudes like those of this website are only further stigmatizing something that is completely natural. I hope nudity is legalized someday in the USA. All the paranoids of this country need to be brought down to Earth and realize that the only reason it's such an issue is because they made it one.

EDIT: I bet I forgot about this in a week. Now it's eleven years later. Yes it was silly a self-censored image got censored, but nevertheless my outrage is gone.

Do you believe the icon was sexualized? Knowing my brain eleven years ago, of course that's where I was going with it.

Do you believe it was inappropriate? That's a complicated question. This is not an asexual site, even if it were intended for children exclusively. Regardless of the matter, representations of people covering their genitals are not rare in art and media. So, I personally still don't believe it was inappropriate for IMVU.

Do you disagree with IMVU's actions? I can understand IMVU going for a discouraging response. It's a can of worms for a commercial site to be sexually forward and also serve kids. And also, I'm sure I was annoyed all those years ago getting messages asking how to get nude. So, it was for the best - after all, the product went back up anyway.

What's the moral of this story? You live one life. Pick your battles, pick what you let get to you. Your moments of internet rage is fleeting, you won't remember them soon enough. Don't post some stupid rant online that you'll find over a decade later and find problematic in a lot of ways. There's so much more wrong with the world than the puritanism capitalism capitulates to in subservience of American culture at the top of the hierarchy of world order.

If you wanna be sexy, be smart about it. Everyone should be on the same page. Respect boundaries. And most of all: find places meant for that.

Sorry for insulting folks intelligence all those years ago - common sense is one of the biggest myths out there. You're as smart as anyone and I wouldn't have it any other way.