Derived from SecondHarvests funky and innovative mesh; this version features steel bladed knives with lilac leather handles, My famous pwerple fluffy bubble lovingly reprinted on polished on the main board, lilac silk straps to hold down your willing victim & prevent them from falling off & the pwerple fluffy bubble imprinted onto the lever knob :)

This is a fairground attraction with fully trained avatars; there is no blood & nobody gets hurt^_~


Enjoy SecondHarvests funky video that shows clearly the gamess you can enjoy with this product

Should you have a problem with ANY of my products please contact me directly via my homepage & I will do all I can to help resolve the issue :)

Many thanks for purchasing my products. I randomly gift customers who leave reviews :)

Little Shop of Horrors

boutoo bou pfb devcredits dc secondharvest fairground carnival lilac purple "knife throw" attraction bubble