Painting framed : Digital fine art in wood frame to add to your room.

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Check out all digital fine art masterpiece paintings by Jerome Poitevin ! ( )
Each month you can see a new artwork of his private collection.

Digital fine art by contemporary french visual artist Jerome Poitevin

This painting is not in the public domain and covered by copyright protection. Framed Textured Matte.

Information for Developers:

You MAY set products derived from this item to derivable. This will allow you to create a set of matched picture frame styles that you can then market as your own to other developers.
You MAY set your item derived from this product to derivable.
You MAY use the frame or back texture in this product, but ONLY in derivables of Jerome Poitevin products since these textures are copyrighted. The animated image texture and its opacity map may NOT be without written permission from Jerome Poitevin.
The central painting uses a 512 * 512 in the Previewer.
You do not need to do anything with back texture unless you do not want the backside of the picture to be transparent.
The template for frame side texture 512 * 512.