Updated 23MAR09 - lowered KB (by request)

This product is made for developers to derive from. The hair is multi-colored as in the sample. Developers, see below for deriving information.

Layers of hair pulled into a messy bun with curls framing the face. Excellent for elegant evenings, tussled nights and smiling mornings. Dress it up or down to suit your taste. Dyed in special colors by Zoa...

Or see what has been derived from this product by clicking here.

I did not make the original mesh for this product, however I spent several hours working on the opacity maps for this shorter style which I offer here for your creative use.
There are two opacity maps used. Each opacity map has been carefully crafted for the finest detail. Tendrils are shorter, thinner and more realistic than the original Disaya. Also longer tendrils from the bun are removed for a more elegant styling and layering added for a more realistic style. I have priced the product to reflect my work done on the opacity maps to accomplish this style. I am not "stealing" the mesh - that I give full credit to Lady Amber.
Below is the color-map for the different layers. I ask that you please do not make your product derivable unless you create and use your own opacity maps. Thank you.

Texture Map (512x512)

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