This is a gorgeous HairStyle it's very long on one side and shorter on the other with a cute little uplift of a curl area on the shorter side. Great for Day, evening, Parties, dates, or just a casual day at the beach. No matter what you're imvu style this hair is sure to appeal to most every occassion. The image below shows all the colors i've made in this style to date. Be sure to look at the catalog image to determine which color you're purchasing.Also if you buy this product.. please do me the honor of leaving a review. Thank you so much for shopping with me and I hope you all enjoy your purchases from me as much as I enjoyed creating them!

The products modeled with the hair in the image below are My Atlantean Avarice Jewelry, Shoes, Top and Skirt. Top and Skirt are GA and have been tested with the IMVU Skin bikini to assure that they meet all Minimum skin coverage requirements. The Eyes, lashes, Nails, and Head 4 makeup are also in my catalog. The skin is ANN Chic Light, by ann0820 .


If you wish to add my banner link to your home page Please Left click draging your mouse over the all of the script below to make it highlighted holding your left mouse click down then Ctrl C (or right click copy over the area while it is highlighted) and Ctrl V (or paste) the script below to your home page, Into one of your Edit html Panels. Thank You and best wishes to you from Shayseraph.

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