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Each year it is estimated that nearly 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die. Approximately 1,700 men will also be diagnosed with breast cancer and 450 will die each year.
click to give
Click to Give is a FREE way to support Breast Cancer Research.

»-(¯`v´¯)-»Click to give»-(¯`v´¯)-»

Click to Give is a FREE way to support Breast Cancer Research. With a simple, daily click of the pink button at The Breast Cancer Site, visitors help provide mammograms to those in need. Visitors pay nothing. Mammograms are paid for by the site's sponsors and distributed by the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.

You can also sign up for daily reminder emails to remind you to click.
Your clicks make a difference. Look how many mammograms were donated by clicks in only 6 months:
Breast Cancer Clicks
