Image Hosting by PictureTrail.comThis corner shelf I bought at a yardsale in Indiana, I took it home and refinished it my self to pristine conition. It sits nicely in that corner that just begs to have something there. Place your favorite nick knacks on it's selves and it will be a subject for many conversations. (note: You will need to resize it down to fit your furniture) These shelves are great for any room...I invite you to stop by my Catolog and check out the vintage, you will find a wide range of antiques there that will dress up your vintage/victorian home... If you purchase theis item or any of my products, PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW ON THE BOTTOM OF IT'S CATOLOG PAGE =)A review is not just to please the designer but it also helps rising his star!The more reviews and jalapenos a designer gets, the bigger the possibility to get and to keep the 'PRO' label. tHANKS FOR LOOKING. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TOP100DEVS web_search.php?manufacturers_id=13361594