Champagne Bow Gown

This is a slim, body hugging, satin and chiffon formal gown with intricate bodice beadwork and a cute neck bow. The detail is exquisite while trying to keep the weight of this gown at 447 kb's.

There is some blending used in this gown, specifically the neck bow and outer skirt so it could disappear under certain lighting conditions. If this happens the main gown will continue to show minus the neck bow.

You will want to wear your hair short or in an up do so it doesn't interfere with the pretty neck bow. Thank you for your interest, please try on and be completely satisfied before purchasing - no refunds. Michelle

Champagne Bow Gown 1 photo Champaign Bow Gown-1_zpsfx6xqneb.jpg Champagne Bow Gown 2 photo Champaign Bow Gown-2_zpsnwskdz7n.jpg IMVU Banner photo IMVUBanner-3.jpg