The Warrior

The Warrior is the drow with the lust for blood and the hunt. Once a febrile hume boy sent to the army to fight the legions of the elite elven army, before falling in love with the blood lusting Storyteller, who all humes fear. He seemed to take her by surprise once stalking her along the banks of the river like a wild animal to his prey, only to fall deeply in love with the beautiful drow and sent to the front lines of the army. Little to no surprise he was slain.. While laying on the battle feild dyin he noticed an aura of sinister light, a beautiful drow maiden with skin of alabaster and the markings of the elvin goddess, she granted upon him a great gift, the gift of long livinity and power to become the warrior he so desired and sought out before. She gave him the gift of the warrior she transferd his soul into the empty shell of a fallen drow and healed him, now his story is up to you does he find his lost love or rom the earth for centuries to come....