3 Piece full outfit includes a top and skirt in multicolors of pink, green and purple paint with matching boots.
The top is sleeveless, the skirt is a tight mini skirt and the boots are knee high.
There is also a pink heart on the belly that connects to the skirt and touches the belly button.
This is my first outfit that I've derived.
Please note personally I love this outfit but it does seem that the skirt splits occasionally when dancing.
Please... TRY BEFORE YOU BUY, (since there are NO REFUNDS).
The mesh I derived from said > it had modestly enhanced bust, and that it doesn't look the best in some seating poses, but it looks great in a ton of poses and it is extremely versatile.
Please leave a review if you like the outfit.
You are only buying the top, skirt and boots.
Thanxs :)

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