Modern Winter Resort

A modern apartment with a great view and pool

modernwinterresortpic2.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

In a ski resort in the middle of the winter

modernwinterresortpic10.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

Lots of sit and standing spots

modernwinterresortpic3.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

modernwinterresortpic18.jpg picture by mutsieimvu                                                            modernwinterresortpic19.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

Outside..... brrrr ..........Very cold and lots of snow

modernwinterresortpic8.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

A beautifull view over the village and the mountains

modernwinterresortpic17.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

modernwinterresortpic11.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

modernwinterresortpic5.jpg picture by mutsieimvu                                                modernwinterresortpic7.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

modernwinterresortpic1.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

modernwinterresortpic14.jpg picture by mutsieimvu                                                   modernwinterresortpic15.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

All you see comes with the room

modernwinterresortpic13.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

modernwinterresortpic16.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

modernwinterresortpic6.jpg picture by mutsieimvu                                                         modernwinterresortpic20.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

modernwinterresortpic12.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

The room is open so you can add more poses or furniture in

modernwinterresortpic4.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

 modernwinterresortpic9.jpg picture by mutsieimvu

Click on the Banner

developermutsssbba.gif picture by Mutssss

mutsiebanner.gif picture by Mutssss