Bright full moon framed in pretty blue with sparkling blue rings that adorn the black suede collar.


Did you know the moon is 218,000 miles away at its closest, and 238,000 at its furthest! My husband has driven his car about that far! The dark spots are called the mare or maria, because the ancients thought them to be seas. Now we know they are lava flows from when the moon was geologically active! It still has 'moon quakes' but that's about it. There's water ice at the poles and the white areas are called highlands, there are a lot of mountainous regions on the moon.

The moon is locked in a synchronous orbit with the Earth that you never get to see the whole thing, only about 60 - 70%! The 'dark side' of the moon as it is is called, because it is in the dark away from us, is all highlands.

Did you know our days of the week are named after known planetary bodies at the time.... you guessed it - Monday - Moonday! Saturday for Saturn, SUNday, ..... google the rest! Some took their names from 'Gods that ruled them'. Cool stuff!

If you enjoy the grandeur of the universe even half as much as I do, view my other products for a huge array of matching furnishings and rooms!
Thank you as always to NASA and Hubble!