what do i need to explain? My animations have gotten alot better...there are many mixed into these wings. They are huge, spanning approximatly your avatar's height on each side..they beat around you patiently..They seem to have a personality of their own I find. They give an avatar that certian 'I'm about to snap' look. Erie, gothic, romantic~ They are black with an irredesant green/blue hue to them, almost like the color of a magpies wings..There are few errors, But this is my first animation done alone in a set after all...Be sure to review them on what you think. I just noticed that there is an opacticy error on the right wing, only noticable from some angles though.. i will fix this as soon as I teach myself how, I have a theroy that If I chop my mesh in half and then submit the wings as seperate meshes into previewer, without wrecking my UVW Unwrap, It should fix up nicley.. But I promised I would animate the demon wings and a few days later they were right guys? WaltzingMouse keeps her word.