________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the DERIVABLE version of the French 6 drawer vanity. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is a 6 drawer vanity with a chair, triple mirror, doily, a plant and 2 photo frames. Thanks for your interest in my derivable products. There are 2 standard sitting nodes attached to the chair and 2 standard standing nodes on either side facing the chair. There are 20 textures required to develop this product. Please keep your textures small to enable the client to run most efficiently. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DEVELOPERS!! PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR VERSION OF MY PRODUCT DERIVABLE. I do not warn anyone before filing DCMA's on the products that are left derivable. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Photobucket' border='0' />" readonly onClick="javascript:this.focus();this.select();" STYLE="width: 1600px; ">